School Captain Introduction
The Bemrose School Sixth Form is a small, friendly, multicultural community of enthusiastic students. We are taught by supportive and understanding teachers and are provided with support both in and out of lessons to ensure we are able to succeed in every aspect of sixth form life.
Sixth formers are provided with many opportunities to develop organisation and leadership skills, for example organising multiple charity events. We are also provided with a multitude of enrichment opportunities, for example applying to become members of The Bemrose School Parliament; applying to be meal- time volunteers at The Royal Derby Hospital; leading assemblies to advertise our sixth form; representing the school at a variety of events; as well as visiting universities; taking part in first aid and team building activities and experiencing mock interview and career days. There are also many reward activities such as the Alton Towers trip at the end of the year.
Sixth formers get to work closely with the school careers lead, Mrs Amos, to receive high quality career advice which is also developed in our weekly citizenship lessons and daily form time programme. We are continually supported to find the right path for each of us for when we leave The Bemrose School.