Library Welcome

Welcome to The Bemrose School Library.

It has long been recognised that strong reading skills and a love for reading have wide ranging benefits for young people. At The Bemrose School we strive to give all students the opportunity to not only succeed at reading but also find enjoyment in it. The Learning Resource Centre is the pride of our school and is open to students before, during and after school to support them with their learning.

Book stock is frequently updated with new and exciting titles from a diverse range of genre and text-types. As a school, we are proud to participate in the Derbyshire Schools’ Book Award, encouraging students to read widely, formulate their own opinion about the books they read and express this through reviews and a final presentation. Our librarian and teaching staff also engage with other reading awards- such as the Carnegie prize- ensuring that students receive enthusiastic and up-to-date reading recommendations. For students who prefer to read as part of a group, shared reading clubs are on offer to all year groups on a Monday lunch time. We encourage reading in all of its guises and recognise that there are many barriers to reading for some students. To mitigate some of these, we also provide all students access to an online platform where they can borrow eBooks and audiobooks. This platform allows students to alter font size, background colour and listen to books if they prefer. The QR code to access this is below.

All year 7 and 8 students have a fortnightly lesson in the library with their English teacher. This time is used to teach students how to get the most from their library, where to find books that they need and allows them the opportunity to enjoy some silent reading or one-to-one reading with their teacher. Students are encouraged to take at least one book from the library each time they visit; this is monitored by the librarian and students’ English teacher.

In addition to the books on offer, students can also use Chromebooks or computers whilst in the library to complete independent work. A number of subjects across the curriculum require students to access online platforms for their homework and they are encouraged to use the facilities provided in the library.

Library Events and Activities

Bemrose Literacy Challenge for KS3.

World Book Night book give-aways.

Harry Potter Night celebrations.

World Book Day

Black History Month

Roald Dahl Day

National Poetry Week.

National Storytelling Week.

Puzzle Week

DEAR: Provision of form reading books and resources for Y7 and 8.

Information Literacy lessons.

A minimum of one library based quiz/competition per half-term.

Library Staff

Ms D Lowe BA (Hons), MCLIP

Opening Times

8am to 4pm

Reading Groups

A warm and friendly atmosphere, at lunch time, in which to enjoy reading.


Promotion of reading for enjoyment.
Open to all years and abilities.
A range of books are experienced throughout the year.

Shadowing of a variety of Children’s Book Awards: Carnegie, Blue Peter, DSBA, Brilliant Book Award, Costa.

Film Club

Film Club is a government funded initiative that gives children the opportunity to watch, discuss and review a diverse range of films –“feeding their imagination and nurturing their social and intellectual development

“Film is a uniquely powerful medium, which can introduce young people to a wider world while promoting better learning, improved social and communication skills and raising aspirations.”