The Bemrose School is a Foundation Trust School (3-19) with enhanced resource facilities for autistic students (11-16). It does not select on the basis of ability.

Primary and Secondary Admissions

Applications for a place at The Bemrose School should be made by stating the school as a preference on the common application form available from Derby City Education authority. This common application form must be returned to Derby City Council, not the school, by the closing date.

Information about our Primary phase admissions process is available hereInformation about our Secondary phase admissions process is available here

Post 16 Admissions

The Bemrose School provides a range of courses in Year 12 and Year 13 at both Level 2 and Level 3.

Where Level 2 courses are offered the entry requirements for these courses are a minimum of 3 GCSE passes at grade 3, GCSE retake classes in English and Mathematics are available if GCSE grade 4 has not been achieved.

The entry requirements for Level 3 courses, in the majority of cases are a minimum of 5 GCSE passes at a minimum of Grade 4 (Grade C for Legacy qualifications). There is the opportunity to retake GCSE English and Mathematics. Students must choose a programme consisting of 3 A Level courses or vocational equivalents.

The closing date for applications for Post 16 courses is February half-term although late applications will be accepted if there are spaces and entry requirements are predicted to be met.

Please forward completed applications to Mr M Gray at The Bemrose School, Uttoxeter New Road, Derby, DE22 3HU.

Post 16 ProspectusPost 16 Application Form