Dress Code :

As role models and leaders of our student community, Sixth Form students are expected to set an example to the rest of the school through a high standard of business-like dress and the way they present themselves. The Sixth Form dress code is smart office wear (traditional wear is allowed), the requirements are:


Smart skirt, trousers or dress

Fitted shirt or smart top without logos. Shirts and blouses must cover the midriff and need to be tucked in if not fitted. Vest tops, low cut tops or tops that reveal midriffs are not suitable.

Smart shoes (not trainers or other casual shoes)

A smart jumper and/or tailored jacket can be worn in addition to the above.


Tailored trousers and suit jacket

Shirt and tie

Smart shoes (not trainers or other casual shoes)

Smart jumpers can be worn in addition to the above.

All Students:

Jewellery; small items suitable for a school environment permitted

Facial piercings should not be worn

Denim, lycra, vest tops or lumberjack shirts or hooded tops are not to be worn

Outdoor coats must be removed in class, form and assemblies

For PE lessons, students need to bring appropriate clothing to change into for that lesson

Please click here for a copy of the sixth form contract