Sixth Form Welcome

The Post 16 curriculum builds on the principles of KS3 and KS4, to ensure the successful delivery of three progression routes.

  • Our ‘Academic pathway’ is composed of A level qualifications supporting a route to University.
  • Our ‘Vocational pathway’ is composed of work-related qualifications supporting a route to University and work.
  • Our ‘Bridging pathway’ is composed of level 1 and level 2 work-related qualifications supporting a route to work and further study.

Courses offered to Y12 students are Maths, Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, Sociology, Forensic Science, Applied Science, Child development, Child Care, Business Studies, Health and Social Care, Information Technology.

All Students attend mandatory PE lessons, and a programme of Citizenship has been developed to support students as they progress through Key Stage 5. It is through this programme we deliver essential age- relevant advice and guidance about critical thinking, growth mind-set, recognising anxiety and stress and examination preparation as well as guidance on applying to University. We also support students with impartial careers information.

Throughout the year experts deliver seminars that reinforce key messages on Health, SMSC and British values. Contributors are chosen each year as the need may arise, particularly in response to safeguarding.

Mr M Gray

Head of Post 16

Applications for 6th Form

Applications for The Bemrose School Sixth Form 2025/26 are now open. If you would like to attend, there will be an enrolment opportunity on GCSE results day with more information to follow.

Please email Mr Gray on for further details.

Post 16 Application Form