Inclusion at The Bemrose School – our promise to all pupils
- Access to the right support, at the right place and at the right time.
- Access to an ambitions curriculum which is broad and balanced.
- An approach that is cyclical so any support can be revisited if it benefits the pupil.
Our universal offer comprises of:
The Bemrose School – Inclusion Plan – Pupil Level
Inclusion Plan – Pupil LevelWhat is inclusion?
Curriculum Intentions SEND
Within the SEND department we work closely with the children and young people that we support to develop and address their individual areas of need.
Literacy interventions are in place across the school to help children and young people who are working at a stage that is significantly below age related expectations. Pupils are assessed to find their strengths and areas of need in reading. They are then matched with an appropriate group or program designed to bridge the gaps in their learning. Programs differ in nature depending on the area of need. Pupils use online resources such as Lexia. Pupils are taught in bespoke situations or in small groups to address difficulties in phonics, comprehension, inference, vocabulary and fluency.
Social Skills
Our social skills curriculum is designed to help pupils become more independent, confident and build self-esteem. The curriculum includes learning to help pupils know more about autism. Pupils learn about how to recognise their own emotional responses as well as understanding the emotions of others. Emotional regulation and coping strategies are a key part of the curriculum. Pupils also learn the skills needed to self-advocate.
Life skills
Our life skills program helps our children and young people learn the skills they will need to become independent adults. Learning is planned around real-life situations that pupils will need to navigate as they are growing up and as adults.
Apple Tree
Provides a functional-skills and PSHE based curriculum. The curriculum is designed to build pupil’s foundation skills in core areas as well as improving their confidence and self-esteem.
In addition to the provisions above we also provide bespoke support for children and young people with SEND. These are often programmes written for school by external professionals to support a particular area of need or deficit. We also use evidence based interventions to support children and young people with difficulties across the broad areas of SEND.
Inclusion Outline
Area description
- Enhanced Resourced Facility Is a well-established provision that caters for the needs of students with autism and associated communication and language difficulties. It is staffed by a team of experienced teaching assistants, some have been supporting young people with autism for more than 15 years. Students within the Enhanced Resource Facility receive a bespoke support package depending on their specific areas of need. The young people within the facility are supported to access the national curriculum and GCSEs. They receive in-class support, teaching to understand and regulate their emotions, teaching to develop their communication and interaction along with a life skills program. Each young person and their family are supported by a keyworker. The keyworker will support with the transition into secondary school and later when the young person transitions into further education or employment. To access the Enhanced Resource Facility students must have an EHCP provide by a Local Authority.
- Elmtree is a discrete facility that sits outside of the mainstream school. It provides a calm, quiet and caring environment for young people with autism. Students have a bespoke timetable that includes some national curriculum and GCSE provision along with dedicated time for students to develop key skills needed for independent adult living. To access the Enhanced Resource Facility students must have an EHCP provide by a Local Authority.
- Apple Tree is a facility aimed at supporting students who require emotional and behavioral support to access a mainstream secondary curriculum. The provision provides consistency and routine it helps students establish positive relationships with key staff and provides a multi-agency approach to supporting the young people.
- SEND Students with additional needs may also be supported in-class or through tailored intervention programs, they may also be assessed for access arrangements for examinations.
- Cherry Tree houses our pastoral team. The team offers support to all of our students for their personal development and wellbeing. The support offered by the pastoral team includes home / school liaison, mentoring and counselling and restorative justice. Every student belongs to one of four houses and the young people will be cared for by their Head of House.
- Welcome Group offers support to all of the young people who join us at The Bemrose School mid-year. It helps to orientate the students and allows them to become familiar with the routines and structures of The Bemrose School before they join their peers in mainstream. For students who join us with no or limited English, The Welcome Group provides an intensive English language program in preparation for the young people joining mainstream classes.
- Night School is a provision for students who have struggled within a mainstream setting. Night School provides great opportunity to build a bespoke programme of study, allowing staff to target the very specific needs of the students. Students follow a full timetable, completing their studies in line with the mainstream curriculum.
All our students with EHCPs have key workers who liaise between home, school and external agencies.
Inclusion Key Staff
- Mr M Rowe – Deputy Headteacher – Inclusion
- Ms A Kearney : Learning Director SENCO
- Sophie Emms – Deputy Senco
- Sarah Mcleoud – Deputy Senco
- Miss K Lamb – Mental Health Lead
- Mr P Illsey – Appletree Lead
- Mr L Chan – Welcome Group Lead + Social Skills Teacher
- Miss J Lamoburne – Elmtree Lead + Interventions
- Miss Louisa Wild – ERF HLTA
- Miss J Reid – Behaviour HLTA