Science Welcome

The Bemrose science curriculum strives to produce young adults of the future who are capable of questioning and interpreting information to make sense of the world around them. We encourage pupils to think scientifically, developing their critical thinking skills and fostering an enthusiasm to find out more. We aim to develop pupils with an enquiring mind and encourage a healthy scepticism and to ask the question ‘why?’ in order for them to make good judgements about what they see on social media and the news and in their everyday lives. We aim to develop their confidence in expressing their opinions clearly in a range of situations, being able to draw on their breadth of scientific knowledge to support their arguments. We want students to be able to make sense of the world around them, to understand how science applies to their lives and for it to open doors to a wider variety of potential careers.

The aim is to teach them ‘powerful’ knowledge, established by generations of scientists through careful and painstaking scientific enquiry. This will enable pupils to understand core scientific concepts and skills which will help them to compete academically with their peers across the country, thus enabling greater social mobility and will inspire a lifelong interest in science. We want them to understand that science is relevant to their lives and the skills and knowledge they can develop in science will allow them to be successful. Pupils will develop practical skills, bringing theory to life, fostering the scientists of the future and we encourage them to see science as a future career choice and believe that they can be the next Nuclear Physicists, Environmental Surveyors or Chemical Engineers.


Mrs S Baird – Deputy Headteacher

Mr K Bhalay – Intervention tutor

Mrs L Craven – Senior Laboratory Technician

Mr N Davenport – Director of Learning KS3 and KS5

Mr M Gray – Science teacher (Biology specialism)/ Head of 6th Form

Mrs V Harrison-Chen – Science teacher (Chemistry Specialism)

Mrs S Kitchen – Laboratory Technician

Mr S Rafiq – Science teacher (Chemistry specialism)

Mr K Sadiq – Science teacher (Biology specialism)

Mr M Sykes – Science teacher (Physics specialism)

Mrs T White – Assistant Headteacher

Mr P Wood – Assistant Headteacher

Miss M Wood – Director of Learning KS4 and KS5

Miss Adkin – Science teacher (Physics Specialism)

Ms Chaudhry –  Science teacher (Biology Specialism)

KS3 Science revision links

Year 7:

Autumn term:

Spring term

Summer term:

Year 8:

Autumn term:

Spring term

Summer term:

Year 9:

Autumn term:

End of key stage assessment on all KS3 material covered in Year 7-9 before Christmas

GCSE Revision Materials

Why should I study Science

Why science is for me please click here

Why a career in science is for me please click here


Bemrose Seneca Learning